🍀 CDR 🍀

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cdr - senior denizen - ⚲
(cdr is pronounced the same way as the tree)
Previously "caesarccedar".

Pronouns Fluctuate Between: It/Its, That/Thats, and They/Them


The following lists are all either made by me or sampled from existing voicebanks. I use the BGM I have provided on the BGM page for these lists. The underlined phrase is the minimum required mora BGM for the list. (ex. 1M means 1-Mora)
All reclists come in both Hiragana and Romaji versions.

In Testing/Development

  • BME (Busy Man's English)

  • Ganga English (JP CVVC + English Add-On)


All of the BGM listed below are made by me in FL Studio.
All of them are set to a tempo of 120 BPM and have a range of E2~C5.
Do not redistribute these files or claim them as your own creation.

*1-Mora is a one-beat BGM that is best used for CV voicebanks.

Hiragana + Extras Reference

All text in bold are not required and are simply extra sounds that most voicebanks tend to have with them.
Need to find a specific sound? Use alt + f4 or cmd + w to find it!
On mobile, please scroll to the right to see the rest of the table.

ば (ba)あ (a)びゃ (bya)
び (bi)い (i)-
ぶ (bu)う (u)びゅ (byu)
べ (be)え (e)びぇ (bye)
ぼ (bo)お or を (o)びょ (byo)
ちゃ (cha)--
ち (chi)--
ちゅ (chu)--
ちぇ (che)--
ちょ (cho)--
だ (da)--
でぃ (di)--
どぅ (du)--
で (de)--
ど (do)--
ふぁ (fa)--
ふぃ (fi)--
ふ (fu or hu)--
ふぇ (fe)--
ふぉ (fo)--
が (ga)-ぎゃ (gya)
ぎ (gi)--
ぐ (gu)-ぎゅ (gyu)
げ (ge)-ぎぇ (gye)
ご (go)-ぎょ (gyo)
は (ha)-ひゃ (hya)
ほぅ (hu)-ひゅ (hyu)
へ (he)-ひぇ (hye)
ほ (ho)-ひょ (hyo)
じゃ (ja or jya)--
じ and ぢ (ji)--
じゅ (ju or jyu)  
じぇ (je or jye)--
じょ (jo or jyo)--
か (ka)-きゃ (kya)
き (ki)--
く (ku)-きゅ (kyu)
け (ke)-きぇ (kye)
こ (ko)-きょ (kyo)
ま (ma)-みゃ (mya)
み (mi)--
む (mu)-みゅ (myu)
め (me)-みぇ (mye)
も (mo)-みょ (myo)
な (na)-にゃ (nya)
に (ni)--
ぬ (nu)-にゅ (nyu)
ね (ne)-にぇ (nye)
の (no)-にょ (nyo)
ぱ (pa)-ぴゃ (pya)
ぴ (pi)--
ぷ (pu)-ぴゅ (pyu)
ぺ (pe)-ぴぇ (pye)
ぽ (po)-ぴょ (pyo)
ら (ra)-りゃ (rya)
り (ri)--
る (ru)-りゅ (ryu)
れ (re)-りぇ (rye)
ろ (ro)-りょ (ryo)
さ (sa)-しゃ (sha)
すぃ (si)-し (shi)
す (su)-しゅ (shu)
せ (se)-しぇ (she)
そ (so)-しょ (sho)
た (ta)-つぁ (tsa)
てぃ (ti)-つぃ (tsi)
とぅ (tu)-つ (tsu)
て (te)-つぇ (tse)
と (to)-つぉ (tso)
ヴぁ (va)--
ヴぃ (vi)--
ヴ (vu)--
ヴぇ (ve)--
ヴぉ (vo)--
わ (wa)--
うぃ (wi)--
うぅ (wu)--
うぇ (we)--
うぉ or を (wo)--
や (ya)--
いぃ (yi)--
ゆ (yu)--
いぇ (ye)--
よ (yo)--
ざ (za)--
ずぃ (zi)--
ず and づ (zu)--
ぜ (ze)--
ぞ (zo)--
Ending Breath/ExhaleEnding InhaleEnd Rest/Natural EndBreathGlottal StopVocal FryMisc. Sounds
a 息 [or] a息a 吸 [or] a 吐a R息 [or] 吸 (followed by a number)あ ・ [or] あ・- 'あ [or] - あ'巻 (maki) [or] rr
a 息R [or] a 息ra bra - (Moresampler)br (br1)・ あ or ・ああ'-
a 息吐 [or] あ吐 (Ruko)-a_xbre (bre1)a *a 'あ [or] a あ'-
ab - (Teto)--b (b1)-a R'-
a hh------
a R [or] a RR------

UTAU Terminology Cheatsheet

This table will define common terms you will encounter when using UTAU and looking into the program itself. This is to better help those who are struggling to understand the program at face-value and become lost during tutorials which use these terms without proper explanation.

$readA file created when you open an UTAU's voicebank for the first time. It's best to delete this file when distributing a vocal library to others.
7zipA file archive that compresses multiple folders/one folder into a smaller file and can be unpacked. The same as a .zip archive.
aliasWhat UTAU will read when notes with the same characters and labels are drawn in the program. Aliases are required for most voicebanks to function. A note with "あ" in it for example will render and play the corresponding labeled sound in the voicebank.
appendA voice type where the voicebank is not a default speaking or singing voice. A "whisper/sasayaki" or "囁き" append will sing and speak more softly than a non-append/default voicebank. These will typically be named according to how they sound, but many users will name appends after objects or themes. (ex. Sakane Cecil (逆音セシル)'s "-ROCK STAR-" append is a loud and powerful sounding voice.)
Audacity (program)A beginner DAW that is free and accessible to everyone. You can mix covers and record vocals in this program.
ArpasingA language system and reclist type created by Kanru Hua, particularly made for English voicebanks and UTAUs.
ArpabetA written system similar to IPA made for English phonetics. This language type is used in Arpasing reclists.
BGMAn acronym for "background music". This typically refers to specific .wav files that are used in tandem with OREMO for recording to a rhythm.
BPMAn acronym for "beats per minute". Refers to the speed of a song's rhythm.
consonant (C)A basic speech sound in which the breath is at least partly obstructed. Letters such as d, p, and s are consonants.
consonant (oto.ini)Displayed as blue in setParam and pink in UTAU, this is dragged over the consonant and somewhat over the vowel. Anything within the consonant's field will always be heard when the sound is played, regardless of length. Consonant is stretched over audible ending noises such as end breaths so that they are always guranteed to be played, as well as the second consonant (C) in a CCV sound.
coverAlso written as "カバー" in Japanese, this is the action of making a vocal synth sing a song. This also applies to humans singing pre-existing songs as well.
CVConsonant-Vowel. These sounds are typically recorded for Japanese to state a single hiragana character. Examples of these are characters like "ba (ば)" and "su (す)". A CV library will only read notes with single character written in them and are typically regarded as choppy, but great for beginner users.
CCVConsonant-Consonant-Vowel. These are found in almost every voicebank format. Examples of these are "bya (びゃ)" and "kyu (きゅ)".
CV-VVConsonant-Vowel-Vowel-Vowel. This form of vocal library is a CV library with the VV transitions that are included in VCV.
CVVCConsonant-Vowel-Vowel-Consonant. A type of voicebank that depends on vowel-consonant (VC), vowel-vowel (VV), and consonant-vowel (CV) transitions to sing. It is commonly found in more complexly structured languages such as English, but can be applied to Japanese as well.
character.txtA text file used to state a character's name in UTAU, as well as set their image and sample sound. This file is placed in your UTAU's main folder and not within individual pitch folders.
DAW"Digital Audio Workstation". These are typically used to create MIDIs, mix music, and create music as well.
DeepVocalAnother free-to-use vocal synth program similar to both UTAU and VOCALOID. It can be downloaded here.
dioA file format used by the resampler world4utau (w4u).
dv (file format)A file format similar to USTs and VSQ/VSQx files that is used in the program DeepVocal.
end breath/end exhaleBreathing out after the utterance of a phrase and ceasing speech afterwards.
end inhaleSuddenly breathing in/taking a breath after a phrase and ceasing speech afterwards.
expressionUsed similarly to "append". Often describes how a voice is being portrayed. Common expressions are: soft, powerful, dark, solid, whisper, etc.
falsettoA very light and airy voice that is sang within the "head" region of one's voice. Typically very high-pitched and used sparingly within a song.
FL StudioA premium DAW used to create music, MIDIs, mix, and more. It can be purchased here, along with plugins and add-ons. It also comes with a free version for use, but project files cannot be saved.
frictiveSee this page for definitions. Examples of plosives are f, ch, s, sh, etc.
frqA file format that is created when the default resampler renders vocals. These can also be manually created within UTAU's voice configurations and with the program Speedwagon. Frequencies (frq files) are required for almost all voicebanks to sound clean and sing without distortion. Most resamplers will not work if these files are absent, or sound very distorted.
glottal stopA sudden, audible stop after a spoken character that is made by a quick close of the throat and cut-off of air. It can be heard in between the words in the phrase "uh-oh".
hiraganaWritten as "平仮名", it is a simplified Japanese writing system that displays singular consonant-vowel (CV), consonant-consonant-vowel (CCV), and vowel (V) characters. Kanji can be written as Hiragana for easier reading. An example list can be found here and here.
kanjiRefers to the set of Chinese characters directly incorporated into the written Japanese language, some completely original to the language. There is 75,963 forms of Kanji and counting, making Japanese incredibly difficult to learn and master. Characters such as "neko (猫)", "watashi (私)", and "shiro (白)" are examples of these.
katakanaAlso written as "片仮名", this is a Japanese writing system used when writing foreign words, often English. They are very simplistic compared to the Hiragana and Kanji writing styles.
kireA shortened form of "kireru" or "切れる". It translates to "sharp" and "to be angry/lose one's temper" in Japanese and is used in tandem with the word sakebi (叫び) for powerful/shouting voicebanks.
llsmA file format used by the resampler and program Moresampler. These files tend to be very large and not necessary when redistributing a voicebank.
makiWritten as "巻" in Japanese, this translates to "roll". Used to alias trilled sounds, such as a rolled R.
MIDI"Musical Instrument Digital Interface". These files display musical notes (similarly to a music sheet but digital) that are read by programs such as Synthesia, FL Studio, and most DAWs.
mixRefers to the process of rendering and making music sound clean in DAWs such as Audacity and FL Studio.
MixcraftAnother commonly used DAW to mix covers and create music. It can be purchased here.
multiexpressionOften used to describe a very large voicebank which contains different types of singing combined into one vocal library. A multiexpression voicebank may come with the default vocals as well as soft vocals labelled with a specific suffix.
noteNotes can represent the pitch and duration of a sound in musical notation. These are the boxes that are present in UTAU that can be written/drawn and are present when USTs are loaded.
OREMOA program developed by nwp8861. This program is the most commonly-used program by users to record voicebanks with ease.
oto (verb)The act of configuring an oto.ini file for use. This can be done both in UTAU itself and the program setParam. The term comes from the Japanese character of the same name (音), meaning "noise".
oto.iniA file that stores aliases and configuration information for UTAU. This file is required for your UTAU voicebank to sing and function.
overlapDisplayed as a green line in both setParam and UTAU, this line indicates that all sound before it will be overlayed and blended with the previous note in the UST. This is very important for VCV-formatted voicebanks and helps them sound smooth by blending vowels.
phonetics(Of a system of writing) having a direct correspondence between symbols and sounds. A sound's phonetics often spell out how a character or sound is spoken in a literal sense.
phonemesAn individual speech sound of a particular language. How a word is spoken.
pitchThe position of a single sound in the complete range of sound. Sounds are higher or lower in pitch according to their frequency. Examples of pitches are C4, E3, A2, etc.
-pitch (monopitch, dualpitch, tripitch, etc.)States how many pitches a voicebank has. A monopitch voicebank is recorded at a single pitch, dualpitch at two, tripitch at three, quadpitch at four, pentapitch at five, and more pitches are often just labelled as a multipitch. Any voicebank with more than one pitch is technically considered a multipitch voicebank.
platinumA file format used by the resampler world4utau (w4u).
plosiveSee this page for definitions. Examples of plosives are b, p, t, d, etc.
pluginAn additional program that is used in tandem with another, either purchased or free. Plugins can be accessed within UTAU itself when inserted into the program's master file.
pmkA file format used by the resampler TIPS.
portamentoA red line connecting notes that are altered in UTAU when tuning. Very similar to the actual definition of a portamento.
prefixA short label assigned to a sound at the beginning. A common prefix is "?". (Ex. [?か])
prefix.mapA file that will play any sound with a specific prefix or suffix when achieving a certain pitch/note in a UST. These are required for voicebanks with multiple pitches.
preutteranceDisplayed as a red line in both setParam and OREMO, this line indicates that all sounds before it will be played. Typically placed after a consonant in a CV but before the V, and after the first consonant (C) in a CCV, but before the second consonant and vowel (V).
PV/MV"Promotional Video" or "Music Video". Both terms are typically used interchangably.
rarThe same as a 7zip and zip archive, but specifically uses the program Winrar to both pack and unpack. A file archive that can compress large folders into a small package that can be unpacked.
readmeA text file that will display any text written within it in UTAU when you click on your voicebank's image. This usually stores rules, contact information, and information about the character and voicebank.
reclistShort for "recording list". This is a text (.txt) file that programs such as OREMO will read and display. It is used as reference when recording a voicebank.
redistributeTo give out a file or files created by another user.
render (verb)To play or export a selected section in UTAU.
rentanA form of reclist that is recorded similarly to a VCV reclist, but oto'd like a CV or CV-VV voicebank.
renzokuotoWritten as "歌連続音" in Japanese, this term is used to describe voicebanks that were recorded while singing rather than speaking.
resamplerA type of .exe file that is used within UTAU to alter how your singer is rendered. Some voicebanks will sound better with certain resamplers while others will be much pickier and dislike others. These are either placed in UTAU's main folder directly or can be picked from their own individual files.
restA silent note. No sound is played when these are rendered.
rikimiWritten as "力み" in Japanese, this roughly means "power" or "powerful".
romajiA writing system of Japanese that is written in Roman characters (letters used in Romance languages such as English, Spanish, Italian, etc.)
sakebiWritten as "叫び" in Japanese, this translates to "shout".
sasayakiWritten as "囁き" in Japanese, this translates to "whisper" or "murmur".
setParamA program created by nwp8861. It is used to configure a voicebank, write aliases, and create oto.ini files much easier than UTAU's default configuration system. It can be downloaded here.
starA file format used by the resampler world4utau (w4u).
suffixThe opposite of a prefix. A label assigned to a sound at the end of an alias or phrase. Common suffixes are 力, 囁, and pitches such as C4 or B3.
transitionThe process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. If a note "transitions" from one to another, it is simply playing the note after the previous one. This also applies to sounds within an oto.ini.
tuningAltering a USTs portamento to accent and alter an UTAU's singing voice when notes are played.
trilled R (rolled R)Refers to consonant sounds pronounced with a vibrating tongue or uvula. Commonly found in Romance languages such as Spanish and Italian.
uarA file archive similar to a .rar or .zip file, but created specifically for UTAU voicebanks. These often download to UTAU's direct voice folder for use.
ustThe file that your voicebank reads and sings along to. Lyrics are typed into the notes according the the voicebank's recording and aliasing formats.
utaiteA (typically) Japanese singer who often does hobby work on sites such as NicoNicoVideo and YouTube. They can both cover songs and create original music.
UTAU (title)Refers to an artificial singer which is used in the program of the same name. An example comparison is Hatsune Miku being a VOCALOID, where Teto Kasane is an UTAU.
VCVVowel-Consonant-Vowel. This is a form of recording and reclist that is commonly found in languages where each character ends in a vowel and begins with a consonant (CV). This reclist type can be applied to languages such as Japanese and Korean.
VCCVVowel-Consonant-Consonant-Vowel. This is a form of recording and reclist that is commonly found in languages such as English, Spanish, and Korean. These languages do not always end in a vowel.
vibratoA rapid, slight variation in pitch in singing or playing some musical instruments, producing a stronger or richer tone. The voice will create a "wave" shape when viewed on a spectrogram and shift in pitch.
vocal fryA way of speaking in which the voice is very low-pitched and has a characteristic rough or creaking sound. Very commonly found in "Valley Girl" accents, where the voice becomes lower and skips audibly.
VOCALOIDA vocal synth program similar to UTAU. You cannot create voicebanks for this program or download it for free like UTAU or DeepVocal, and must purchase it along with premiuem vocal libraries that come in different languages. It can be purchased here.
vocal synthShort for "vocal synthesis", a vocal synth is defined as an electronic instrument that generates and combines the basic elements of sound to produce simulated speech. This can be an artificial, non-human voice, or a voice created by recording a human speaking.
voicebank/vocal library/voice libraryA collection of sound files that UTAU uses to render singing vocals when a UST is used. This is your UTAU and what makes the character talk. (The most used file type is .wav)
voice provider/vp/cvA person who voices an UTAU, VOCALOID, and more. If you record an UTAU, you would be considered its voice provider.
vowel (V)A speech sound which is produced by comparatively open configuration of the vocal tract, with vibration of the vocal cords but without audible friction. Vowels are sounds such as a, i, u, e, o, and n in Japanese.
vsq/vsqxA file format similar to a UST that the program VOCALOID uses. These files can be converted to USTs or MIDIs with the proper tools.
wavtoolSimilar to a resampler, though these tend not to have as much drastic effects. Both wavtools and resamplers are required to make an UTAU sing.
zipThe same as a 7zip file. A file archive that can compress large folders into a small package that can be unpacked.


$direct = trueNoneTells UTAU to ignore the oto.ini. It works with all the resamplers.
?NoneWhen put in front of a note (Ex: ?あ) it tells UTAU to ignore the prefix.map. Since it doesn’t depend on the resampler, this flag will work with every resampler.
A0~100Amplitude modulation. This flags modulates the amplitude in correlation with change of pitch. (For resampler.exe and fresamp only : A works, but it has the same function as "a".)
a0+For values 100 and greater, stretches the consonant value of the oto.ini. For values lesser than 100, pushes back the consonant value of the oto.ini.
B0~100Changes the breathiness after the formant filter. For Moresampler Only: Amplitude gain for unvoiced consonants. This flag amplifies or attenuates unvoiced consonants (e.g. t, k, s) by a factor of 0.05 times the number after b. It has less or no effect for voiced consonants (e.g. g, m). Its range for Moresampler is -20 / 100.
C0~100Low-pass filter before the formant filter. Reduces higher frequencies. When set to 100, the volume is 100% at 0kHz, 50% at 11kHz, and 0% at 22kHz.
c0~100Low-pass filter; analog to C, but it operates after the formant filter.
D0~100Low-pass filter before E the formant filter. Cuts mid-range. When set to 100, the volume is 100% at 0kHz, 0% at 11kHz, and 100% at 22kHz.
E0~100Low pass filter before the formant filter. Cuts lower frequencies. When set to 100, the volume is 100% at 0kHz, 0% at 7.1kHz, 100% at 11kHz, and 0% at 22kHz.
eNoneChanges the rendering method from looping to stretching. (Prevents repeated sound on a long note.)
F0~100Determines the strength of the formant filter.
GNoneForces the resampler to re-generate the .frq files. (Defaults to resampler.exe.)
g-99~99Values from -99 to 0 make the voice sound more feminine. Values from 0 to 99 make the voice sound more masculine. (Known as the "gender flag".)
H0~99A low-pass filter to emphasize the bass and cut the treble.
h0~99A low-pass filter to emphasize the higher frequencies of the consonants.
L0~99Sets the strength of the formant filter. Takes priority over the F flag.
M0~100Lessens metallic sounds.
NNoneTurns the formant filter off entirely.
n0~100Determinates the strength of the formant filter. Less effective than F. Useful for reducing the noise in mid-range and treble-dominant voices.
K0~100A comb filter based on the Fundamental Frequency.
O0+Shifts the pitches of the voice. Higher values may make the voice crack.
P0~100Peak compressor.
RNoneForces the resampler to re-generate the .pmk files before rendering. (Used by TIPS.)
S0~100Adjusts the strength of the singing formant. (2500Hz ~ 4000Hz)
t-1200~1200Flag to adjust the pitch by 10 cents.
V0~100Regulates the power of the voice.
W0~100Destroys the consonants and gives the voice a metallic sound.
w0~100Adds a growling effect.
x-100~100It affects the voice based on the distance to the recording voice. Higher values make the voice brighter, lower muffled.
Y0~100Changes the breathiness of the vowel.
Less Than0~100It specifies the strength of the frequency of the growl.
Greater Than0~100It specifies the length of the frequency of the growl.
_-100~100The volume will fluctuate with the frequency of the growl.
%-100~100If the note has vibrato, the volume will fluctuate with the pitch. When cross-fading two notes, they must have the same flag value.

Flags (Moresampler)

Mb-100~100Positive values correspond to breathier voice and negative values reduce the breathing noise.
MC0~100Adds a roar-like noise to the voice.
Md-100~100It changes the degree of amplitude modulation received by breathing noise due to the periodicity of glottal air flow.
MD0~100Has an effect similar to growl but vibrates faster.
ME-100~100Formant emphasis. Given positive values, it emphasizes the formants; given negative values, the voice becomes fuzzy.
MeNoneForces the sampling method from stretching to looping.
MG0~100Adds growl.
Mm0~100Interpolating between the classical speech model used before version 0.3.0 and the novel model used since then.
Mo-100~100It changes the degree of jaw opening during phonation. Positive values correspond to wide opening and vice versa.
Mp0~100Adds a random perturbation to pitch curve.
Mr-100~100This flag creates a "singer's formant" around 3kHz if set to positive; otherwise it reduces the formant.
Ms0~100It fixes the occasional 'pops' that mostly occurs when shifting down the pitch. Higher number corresponds to stronger stabilization. This flag is recommended when the popping only occasionally occurs, otherwise turn on analysis-anti-distortion instead.
Mt0~100It changes the extent to which the vocal folds are stressed or relaxed. Positive values correspond to tenser voice quality and vice versa.

Flags referenced from this post.

Plugins, Resamplers, etc.

All items listed below are provided by the creator or provided by the a reupload link if the initial link has been removed. Reupload links can/will be taken down if I am contacted by the creator via email and asked to do so. (Almost all resamplers and wavtools are reuploads due to difficult accessibility.)Please click on the names to go to the download directly.




Misc. Tools


Click the names to install the voicebanks at the following hosting sites.

Beto Bukiyo (不器用ベト)

- Beto Bukiyo -PLAYBOY- v1.0.0 = Quadpitch Japanese VCV
- Beto Bukiyo -KIWI- v1.5.0 = Monopitch English CVVC
- Beto Bukiyo -AMALGAM- v1.0.0 = Monopitch Japanese CV-VV Growl Add-On Expression

iMacne Series (iMac音ルー)

- iMacne Ruu-bondi v1.0.0 = Dualpitch Japanese CVVC w/ Ganga English
- iMacne Ruu-snow v1.0.0 = Dualpitch Japanese VCV+VC w/ Ganga English

Mabi (무력)

- Mabi -DEMO- v1.0.0 = Monopitch demo VDR VCCV English

Misc. (One-Offs and Etc.)

- Boyfriend-ccedar - Discontinued


Have a suggestion or addition you'd like to add to my site for others?
Please use the email below for entry.

Please do not send any emails regarding private works, such as: voicebanks, USTs, etc.